On International Pedestrian’s Day Is walking a good way to learn Spanish? Indeed it is. If you take your notebook or your cellphone with you you can record words, phrases and names just at the spot you see them. And if you associate an action to that word, you are sure to remember the word in...
Learning SpanishWalk and learn Spanish

On International Pedestrian’s Day
Is walking a good way to learn Spanish?
Indeed it is. If you take your notebook or your cellphone with you you can record words, phrases and names just at the spot you see them. And if you associate an action to that word, you are sure to remember the word in context. If you don’t know the word in Spanish, you can ask your teacher at your Spanish school or look the word up in the dictionary.
As an example:
Let’s take the international sign for Stop. In Spanish, Stop is Pare, many times written inside the symbol. So let’s connect Pare with other things and actions in the street.
Verbo caminar:
Yo camino, tú caminas…
You are walking: yo estoy caminando, tú estás caminando… and so on.
What else is there that attracts your attention?
Traffic lights: semáforo. The colors: verde, amarillo, rojo.
El semáforo está en rojo. No podemos cruzar.
Zebra: senda peatonal.
Verbo cruzar:
Yo cruzo, tú cruzas…
When you connect different words with situations, you get the whole picture. If you are in that exact situation, you are also experiencing through doing.
To complete your learning experience, it is a good idea to write sentences putting together all that you have learned.