Argentina is a fascinating place, and while many habits bare at least some resemblance to Europe, there are at least a few that certainly help to spice up life. Meals For starters, you will find the eating habits quite different from those of any English-speaking nation. Breakfast will be considered almost non-existent compared to those...
Discovering Buenos AiresHabits in Argentina

Argentina is a fascinating place, and while many habits bare at least some resemblance to Europe, there are at least a few that certainly help to spice up life.
For starters, you will find the eating habits quite different from those of any English-speaking nation. Breakfast will be considered almost non-existent compared to those countries, often consisting of just a coffee and a croissant, or medialuna as it is called here. Lunch doesn’t differ too much, but it is followed by a late afternoon tea or merienda. And then what most travelers find the most bizarre part of all: dinner can be anywhere between 9pm and midnight.
The next point may also connect with late dinners, to the point you have to seriously reconsider whether you want to arrive anywhere but the Spanish school on time. If you are meeting an Argentine friend, or are heading to an event, don’t be surprised if there’s no-one there when you arrive on time.
One final custom that might take you by surprise, but grows on you quite quickly, is the Argentine kiss to say hello and goodbye. Instead of just a hand shake, most Argentines will greet each other with a kiss to the right cheek. Both men and women! For the more conservative English cultures this can come as quite a shock. But fear not: it’s perfectly normal here.