Learning SpanishSpanish practice: include Spanish in your phone


Have you thought your phone can help you practice your Spanish? When texting your friends from your Spanish school or when texting native Spanish speakers, to name some possibilities. How to include Spanish in your phone is very simple. WhatsApp: You can choose more than one language. Go to: Settings > Language > (your prior language)...

Have you thought your phone can help you practice your Spanish? When texting your friends from your Spanish school or when texting native Spanish speakers, to name some possibilities.

How to include Spanish in your phone is very simple.

  • WhatsApp: You can choose more than one language. Go to: Settings > Language > (your prior language) & Spanish
  • Telegram: You can only choose one language. Go to: Settings > Language > Spanish.

About Voice Assistants:

  • Google Assistant (Google): it can recognize two languages, and includes Spanish: Peru, Chile, Colombia and Argentina.
  • Siri (Apple):  Spanish: US, Chile and Spain.
  • Alexa (Amazon): Spanish: Mexico and Spain.
  • Cortana (Microsoft): Spanish: Mexico and Spain.
  • Bixby (Samsung): Spanish: US.

Why not try to use them in Spanish too?

Good luck!

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